Tag Archives: Human Resources
People and Diversity …Every Organization’s Greatest Investment

Whether you are a company of one or one thousand, each person you employ is your greatest investment. Getting the highest rate of return on your “people” investment involves another investment—embracing diversity. Demographic trends identified by Pew Research Center include racial and ethnic diversity in the United States on a continuous rise. By 2055, itContinue Reading
Millennials: 6 Tips to Communicating Employee Benefits

It seems like we’ve been talking or hearing about Millennials for most of my career. Millennials are now in their 20’s and 30’s. It is estimated they will comprise 30% of the workforce by 2020, and many are entering management roles. Once characteristic touted as “millennial” is they perceive themselves invincible, although that has alwaysContinue Reading
Workplace Bullying

As a kid on the playground, it was easy to spot a bully. He or she was the one stealing lunch money, pushing others down in the sandbox, or the ringleader of the group pointing and laughing at the little guy with glasses. How easy is it to spot a bully in the workplace? ResearchContinue Reading
8 Resume Red Flags: What to Look For

Resumes are tricky—whether you are writing them, or reading them. As a hiring manager, it is imperative that you weed through resumes to find ideal candidates. And frankly, what a resume doesn’t say can be just as important as what it does say. Here are eight resume red flags to look out for according toContinue Reading
Perfect Attendance

Were you the kid in school with perfect attendance? I envied them. Those kids were rare, only one or two in each class. They got accolades and a nice certificate signed by the principal, just for showing up! There was one girl in my elementary school that did not miss one day from First GradeContinue Reading
Workplace Diversity: Aren’t We All the Same, Only Different?

Workplace diversity has been a hot topic for decades. Most of us have been through diversity training once or twice. So, what’s different now? The social climate. Interracial marriages account for 12% of U.S. marriages according to Pew Research Center, and are celebrated this year, 50 years after becoming fully legal in all U.S. states. Continue Reading
Texas Weather: Your Inclement Weather Policy

Growing up in Texas, you often hear, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes. It will change.” Inclement Weather from hurricanes along the Gulf Coast, to tornadoes across the Central Plains, to fires in the Hill Country, flooding, ice, and snow, Texas has it all. Being prepared isn’t just about bottled waterContinue Reading
Colorful Holidays

Black Friday, White Christmas, Blue-Light Specials, Red-Tag Savings…the list goes on and on… Everything seems to get a little more crowded, and a little more frantic this time of year. Between school programs, church functions, holiday parties, family gatherings, is shopping, preparing, cooking, wrapping, and oh yes! Work. Work brings its own level of franticContinue Reading
Filling the Gap

A recent 2016 Staffing Industry survey by Haley Marketing revealed that 65% of the 487 staffing professionals who responded, cite the gap between job requirements and the skills of candidates as “very” or “extremely” challenging. In fact, the survey indicated this skills gap is the number one job frustration among respondents. These results left theContinue Reading
Who Are You Talking To?

Sizing up the interviewee sitting across the desk from you can be daunting. How do you really know who you are talking to? Getting past the resume and prepared answers is the key. Asking situational questions can reveal character and personality traits, if you know how to listen. Questions that begin with statements such as,Continue Reading