Tag Archives: Human Resources
Human Resource Professionals “Highlight the Best of Texas”

In an official proclamation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott recognized Human Resource professionals, declaring October 2016 Human Resource Awareness Month. The Governor commended human resource professionals for their wide range of services, “recruiting new talent, ensuring compliance with labor laws, educating Texans about health and safety, providing ethics training and more”. Governor Abbott went on toContinue Reading
Would Your Home Self Get Along With Your Work Self?

Let’s say that you and a good friend are out on a boat one weekend relaxing, shooting the breeze, getting as far away from your daily nine-to-fives as time will allow. Then a ringing cuts through the conversation and your friend reaches into his pocket. He stiffens, signals you to keep quiet, and answers inContinue Reading
People Watching: Tracking Your Employees the Right Way

In 1748’s Advice to a Young Tradesman, Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase, “Time is money.” Keeping tabs how your time is spent is as important as knowing the contents of your bank account. So keeping thorough and accurate records is vital as businesses monitor how their employees spend their time. The data gathered can inform strategy,Continue Reading