Tag Archives: Human Resources
COVID-19 Collides with Flu Season. Now what?!!

While many workplaces are settling into a COVID-19 groove of social distancing, face masks, and hand sanitizer, we find ourselves on the cusp of flu season in the United States. Employers should start preparing now for what could be a difficult workplace winter. Common Flu Peaks Between December and February Although flu season is hardContinue Reading
4 Ways to Help Workers Build Emergency Savings, and How Much Is Enough?

By Amanda Utevsky, PhD As employers reevaluate employee benefits following the labor shock of 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic, they must look at ways to both shore up financial health and help reduce potential future stressors. Evidence shows that having enough savings on hand is one of the largest predictors of financial well-being, making employee financial health programs focusedContinue Reading
Employee Tests Positive, Now What?

Across the country the number of people who test positive for COVID-19 has taken a sharp turn upward. In Texas, the daily number of positive tests for COVID-19 increased from 864 on May 1, 2020, to 1,312 on June 1, and 6,991 on July 1. This spike prompted Governor Abbott to declare a pauseContinue Reading
COVID-19 Back to Business Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Businesses are gearing up to get back to …well, business. This cheat sheet will help you consider things to keep your work environment safe, and help you develop a plan of action for return-to-work in a post-pandemic world. Before opening your business, be sure to review federal, state, and local protocols for your industry. Check outContinue Reading
COVID-19 Emergency Unemployment Benefits

The US Department of Labor issued Unemployment Insurance Program Letters to enhance State Unemployment provisions during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. What does this mean for employers and the unemployed? Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Unemployment Compensation Provisions The Federal government is working with State governments to issue grants, to provide emergency flexibilities related toContinue Reading

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” The holidays are upon us. The year is coming to a close. It’s time to celebrate! It’s time to give extra attention to the good things in life, whether big or small. Why Celebrate? Celebrations connect us to other people—to family, friends, co-workers, clients, or even strangers. Continue Reading
Boom Time: Hiring in a Strong Economy

Unemployment is at an all-time low. In Texas, the unemployment rate is hovering at 3.8% with March 2019 job gains in healthcare, professional and technical services. This coupled with the increase in permits and oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, shale oil production in the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford, and other oil-rich areas, I’veContinue Reading
Hiring: Making the Right Choice

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policies, and numerous state and federal laws prohibiting hiring discrimination can make the interview process seem like an obstacle course. However, knowing the law and following it can lead you down a clear path of finding the best employee for your open position. Hiring decisions are among the most important decisionsContinue Reading
FLSA: It’s No Joke

Three blondes walk into a building. (You’d think one of them would’ve seen it – LOL!) But seriously…the first blonde rushes to the timeclock and glances at the U.S. Department of Labor notices on the wall as she punches in. The second blonde yawns, clutches her laptop briefcase and mumbles about working all night toContinue Reading
Terminations: More Than Just Reality TV

At times, most managers have been frustrated to the point of wanting to scream, “YOU’RE FIRED!” And while that phrase made a TV reality show wildly popular, it actually isn’t reality. Terminations are a process, not a reaction. Although Texas is an “employment at-will” state, most companies avoid firing and employee without cause. There areContinue Reading